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Primary (Class 1-8) Teacher Training Diploma in

the Abiding Heart Education™️ Approach


最低要求: 高中期末考試成績: 英語,科學和數學到達C級或以上。

出家人身份的申請人: 至少參加過9年的佛學院學習。

理想的申請人: 大學本科學位: 最低成績C+或三等榮譽。

語言: 請注意授課語言為英語,因此需要較高的英文對話及書寫水平。

入學: 申請成功者必須遵守其居住囯有關入學的所有法律,包括提供無犯罪記錄。

形式: 在所居住國家上在缐課程

時長: 全日制三年,一共六個學期

評估: 持續評估,包括出勤,課堂參與,書面作業,口頭報告,反思性練習以及其它課程計劃和教學安排。

證書: 覺心教育™幼稚園小學教師文憑

Course description

The Abiding Heart Education™ is a new approach to education that rests on the Buddhist worldview. Fusing the Buddhist view, meditation and application with Steiner/Waldorf methodology and developmental science we have created a unique children’s transformative experiential pedagogy that gives equal weight to the intellectual (head) affective (heart), and action (doing) domains. This new approach places the emphasis on developing wisdom and compassion that is to be lived in the class and in our personal life. Trainees will gain a good balance of theory and practical knowledge in teaching that is grounded in transformative experiential Buddhist worldview thus fostering their continuing inner development.

The curriculum draws deeply on the live experiential Buddhist tradition which emphasise applying the knowledge acquired in everyday experience in order to nurture an ongoing transformation. Students develop practical teaching skills based on child development theory and gain experience in creating teaching and learning resources in preparation for school placements and embarking on life as an Abiding Heart Education™ teacher. At the core of this 6 semesters course is the practice of letting our minds rest, our hands create, and our hearts rejoice. The sense of wonder that nurtures young children is a capacity we all have, and although it may not always flourish in adulthood, we can reconnect with it and deepen our experience.

The course will empower primary teachers with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment in order to support child development. Evidence shows that experiences of such positive learning environments support the development of self-esteem and confidence and increase the likelihood of children continuing in education. 

Students will receive a theoretical and practical understanding of primary education based on Abiding Heart Education’s learning approach which is a fusion of experiential, contemplative, integrated, inquiry based and transformative methodologies. We will also include elements of sense of place and the cultural heritage and demonstrate how the curriculum can be adapted to a specific culture. Teachers from other regions will learn how to integrate their own culture, language and tradition into this education approach and curriculum. The course content includes:

  • The Abiding Heart’s Experiential Buddhist Foundation Studies, which includes an engaging and life-changing study of contemplative studies rooted in experiential  Buddhist wisdom, meditation, and application;

  • The Abiding Heart’s unique Human Development course: child development studies from birth to rebirth, bringing together contemplative philosophy and psychology; together with developmental science, neuroscience, and transformative experiential philosophy of education;

  • The Abiding Heart Education Learning Approach: Experiential Buddhist learning methodology, contemplative traditions pedagogy, the transformative learning approach of Steiner, and other contemporary philosophies of education leading to the understanding of the components of the Abiding Heart Education™ experiential and contemplative learning approach;

  • Abiding Heart's Experiential Buddhist Curriculum preparation studies which includes the lessons content and application for Primary to Early Secondary (age 6 to 14);

  • Experiential Buddhism curriculum preparation studies:  content and application of head, heart and hand Buddhist experience for Primary to Early Secondary (age 6 to 14);    

  • Curriculum development and lesson planning;   

  • From an unhealthy self towards a healthy self: Safeguarding and nurturing the wellbeing of children with Buddhism in mind;

  • The compassionate wholesome practice of school organisation, management, and community building;

  • Himalayan Buddhist arts, such as Thangka paintings, Mani Stones carving, and Charya dance;

  • Artistic activities, such as drawing, painting, clay modelling, woodcarving, handwork, and stone carving;                       

  • Teaching placements in the student's country of residence​. 


The ​full-time training is a 3-year course and consists of a total of 6 semesters. There are two semesters in a calendar year:

  • Winter/Spring Semester 

  • Summer/Autumn Semester



Trainees taking this training are required to attend all modules to receive a Teaching Diploma in the Abiding Heart Education™ approach specialising in Experiential Buddhist Primary Education. 

Tuition Fee: US$15,000 ​

  • Bi-annual (every 6 months) instalments of US$2,500 for 3 years (6 payments x US$2,500) or

  • Annual payments of US$5,000 for 3 years (3 payments x US$5,000)

Additional processing fees apply. 

Students are asked to cover the cost of arts and crafts materials independently. 

Please contact us at for an application pack. 

If you need further information, please contact admissions or use our admissions inquiry form.

Terms and Conditions apply. See our fee policy


Get to know small tasters of the rich primary curriculum we have developed over the past several years by clicking on the photos below:

The story of Bodhi and Chitta

The Naughty Spirit that Wanted

to be Green Tara

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