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The Abiding Heart Education™️ approach offers a specially made or bespoke Experiential Buddhist Education for Buddhist communities around the world. Over the past past 7 years we developed this Bespoke Experiential Buddhist Curriculum and Teacher Training catering to kindergarten, primary (class 1-8) and high school (class 9-12). In this unique Experiential Buddhist Education, all subjects taught from kindergarten through to class 12 are fully immersed within the Buddhist view, meditation and how that informs everyday life activities and being.


Abiding Heart Education™️ 為兒童的幼兒園和小學(1-8 班)教育提供了一項方法,它包含了潛在發展的佛教儀軌。在這種新的、獨特的學習中,從幼兒園到 8 年級的所有科目都完全融合佛教規範、觀念、靜思以及如何帶入日常生活及活動中。


A pilgrimage with year 2 students to Namo Buddha, the birth place of Bodhichitta.

Abiding Heart Education™️ 宗旨的主要目的是根據每個人的能力,重新啟發我們的佛性。我們以學習和潛在發展的佛教儀軌為主導;一個既具有體驗性又具有變化性的過程。我們通過兒童課程的內容、教師培訓課程和實際理論或技巧方法來做到這一點。通過讓自己沉殿在這種存在方式和學習過程中,教師和孩子們都可以在自己的內心發現一個敞開、柔軟和明亮的空間。這種敞開的本質是愛,它是所有真正精神的精髓,最終超越了對自己的渴望和關懷。它是開悟智慧的核心。


Abiding Heart Education™️ 宗旨基於這樣的理解,即從佛教的角度來看,精神發展是指由對個人(對自己和他人)的愛和慈悲或善的力量所激發的啟蒙精神。佛教通過頭腦(理解/了解)和心靈(體驗/靜思)的有益學習方式,在我們生活的各個方面促進和培養健康的習慣和生活方式。真正的轉變發生在我們與生俱來的智慧本質和慈悲心得到充分表達,使我們彼此能夠深深地關心自己和世界。


Abiding Heart's Experiential Buddhist Education

The path chosen here has its roots in the experiential and transformative Buddhist wisdom. It is a process of re-discovering our inner well-being. The path to such determination begins with understanding and deepens through direct experience. In this approach, we learn to apply our insights or heart understanding in everyday life, gradually forming new habits that are motivated by bodhichitta. This style of learning is in common with Steiner’s children’s pedagogy that engages the head, heart and doing, and teaches us to learn about life from life, in the journey towards spiritual awakening.


The Abiding Heart's Experiential Buddhist Education™️ approach rests on the understanding that inner development, from the Buddhist perspective, means the spirit of enlightenment motivated by love and compassion for the individual (for oneself and others) or by the power of goodness. This wholesome way of learning through engaging the head (understanding/knowing) and the heart (experiential/meditation), promotes and nurtures healthy habits and ways of being in every aspect of our lives. True transformation occurs when our innate qualities of wisdom and compassion are fully expressed, enabling us to care deeply for ourselves, for each other, and for the world.

作為我們 2022 年教師培訓的一部分,一名實習教師在喜馬拉雅佛教藝術課上畫唐卡。這構成了 6-8 年級的 Abiding Heart Education™ 課程的一部分。

The Four Pillars
of the Abiding Heart's Experiential Buddhist Education



Human Development

© Meyrav Mor 2016-2020. USA & Nepal PAT.PEND. HK Patent Registered (32023074459.3)


Inner Development of the Teacher

Learning Approach


Healing Contemplative Practices

Teacher Training

Experiential Buddhist Foundation Studies

Human Development and Education

Learning Theories and Methodologies

Abiding Heart’s Experiential Buddhist Curriculum

Understanding Children with Additional Needs

 Community Building and Working with Parents

School Organisation and Management

The Well-Being of the Child

 Meeting Governments Rules and Regulations

Child Study and Assessment


Experiential Buddhist Education 




Healing and Transformation

© Meyrav Mor 2016-2020. USA & Nepal PAT.PEND. HK Patent Registered (HK30087182; HK30087172)

通過 Abiding Heart Education™️ 方法,老師是孩子接受教育質量和相關性的核心。教師為這項任務做準備的過程是一個關鍵指標,不僅是未來學習的質量和深度,也是自我轉變和康復的潛力。通過這種方式,我們的教育方法鼓勵積累功德,發自內心希望正確的因緣能讓孩子和老師在解脫的道路上繼續前進。為了支持這一點,Abiding Heart 的教學方法和課程內容鼓勵慶祝我們共同的人性,激發創造力、好奇心、善良和沈思,所有這些都是為了培養兒童和教師的內在覺醒。

Abiding Heart Education™️培訓課程的見習教師從事一種基於佛教觀點、冥想和實踐的學習方法,以及

作為我們 2022 年教師培訓的一部分,一名在體驗藝術課上做體驗藝術的教師實習生。



我們如何實施 Abiding Heart Education™ 方法

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小學(1-8 年級)教師培訓








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